
April 16, 2013

Trailbuilders premier

Now I can say that the feature film is even better than the trailer builds it up to be.

The Trailbuilders (Trailer 12/18/12) from Tamarack Media on Vimeo.

My friend Josh the heavyweight behind Timber and Stone had a little party this past weekend to celebrate the release of the film, The Trailbuilders.  As Josh said, it was an excuse to throw a party for all the friends he has made building trails over the years.  Indeed it was a good time and by the end of the evening my hand was sore from all the high-fives I was giving out.  It made me realize that I don't often see a lot of people who are dear to me.

If you spend any time outside, you've been on a trail that was built by someone.  The film does an extraordanery job of opening a window on all of the work that goes into trailbuilding, and also does a good job of capturing Josh's sense of humor and how much fun it is to work with him. 

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