
September 22, 2015

Free Advice

It's the only kind I have to give.

I have someone close to me who is going through something and this something involves romantic relationships and potentially children and what one is responsible for and not responsible for and the difference between a parenting relationship and a romantic relationship.  I truly can't imagine having to go through something like this but I still want to give this person some perspective and advice.  I have been thinking through what I want to say and the main messages I want to get across and I imagine that this message would make everything o.k.  I truly wish that I can say just the right things and not only help this compadre not only feel good about the decisions they have to make but give them some insight to help them make those decisions.  I imagine that most people who give advice have the same desires when they pass those words of wisdom on.  In this case, as much as I hope that I say just the right things and these words somehow help this friend navigate the situation ahead towards the best possible scenario, I still don't trust what I have to say enough that I would ever charge for that service.  I wonder how therapists, councilors, and others who make a living can ever be confident enough in their opinion to demand payment for it. 

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