
February 24, 2012

Friday Music from the Other Elvis

So I've been on a Elvis Costello kick lately.  Well last night I was overwhelmed with a nostalgia for a mid-90s performance that I wanted to do a post about.  The clip in question was from Saturday Night Live where the Beastie Boys and Elvis Costello kicked out "Radio Radio" as an homage to EC's 79 performance of the same song.  Well I couldn't find the clip on You Tube but did find it elsewhere. It's grainy, cuts off at the end, and the performance isn't as good as the original or as my 18 year old self believed it to be, but it ain't all bad.

I couldn't figure out how to imbed the video so the link is here: Elvis Costello and the Beastie Boys.

As I was searching I found this and it tickled my fancy enough to include it here. 


I like Bruce.  His early stuff is deeply important to me but there is definetly something that sticks in my craw about him charging $80+ for concert tickets...That shit ain't right.  Anyway, the Boss, EC, Dave Grohl and well I could do with out little steven or whatever he calls himself, but the other three in a tribute to Joe Strummer after he died?  Chills.

Thanks for listening.  That is all.

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