
March 27, 2014

Some more winter photos..

to help encourage spring to join us.

first an artsy shot to set the mood

gettin ready for some urban ski adventures

practicing our winter survival skills (read fort makin)

cutting ice

sledding carnage

she's a real dead-eye
obligatory cute baby shot


March 18, 2014

time well spent

"There is only one success…to be able to spend your life in your own way." - Christopher Morley

“The only thing you really have in your life is time. And if you invest that time in yourself to have great experiences that are going to enrich you, then you can’t possibly lose.”
—      Steve Jobs 

March 12, 2014

Winter Activities

In this corner of the world, we have been busy with things other than watching babies grow, putting on an extra sweater, and doing nothing/saying nothing with the older kids.  We have gotten out to enjoy snow, family, friends, ice, refreshingly cold temperatures, uncomfortably cold temperatures, and even a few dates with only one small pair of eyes watching.  Life has been good, but I'm still waiting for Spring.

learnin the sideways slide

falling ain't fun

night skiing is fun

sledding with the big man

candy eaten by homemade woodstoves in stinky lodges is the best

Blurry night skiing is the best.

March 11, 2014

Growing like a weed in the summer, during the dead of winter.

This little bean sure has been growing, and I know that you aren't supposed to feed the weed but I just can't help it.